I expected much more >.>
Don't get me wrong... It was very good.
Just got same old, same old very fast. One thing that really anoyed me was the fact it wasn't very free to explore anywhere like other ones. I didn't like the fact enemies spawn at a specific spot much because I could just camp it and hold a shotgun to their heads.
Another thing that dissapointed me very much was the fact there is no adjustment in difficulty level. I mean, I myself always go for the hardest mode. But there are others out there who just wish to enjoy the game and are in it for the story more or less.
Graphics were fine as usual.. Was hoping for more of a variety when it came to customizing my character... the fact the enemies got to the point of looking cooler than me pissed me off also...
I was also hoping for much more innovation. As I said before this got very same old, same old. The part where you fought 153 in the Helecopter caught my attention then it just went back to same old, same old again. You shouuld have added more 1v1 combat maybe w/ like a super enemie... That would have always of been fun. Maybe even add some kind of machine to where you can control and just slaughter the hell out of people. Things like that would have made it much better.
So to sum all of this up if you didn't feel like reading it. It just really needed much more new things rather than being just the same old game we've been playing since the first one.
~On a side note how much you wana bet this is going to be a "useless" review since I actually wrote something to give advise by critisizing the game?